Friday 12th May 2006

7 Pearls ( 6 )   Milperra Lions ( 0 )

Lachlan took the first goal straight up and straight in. Jarrod did a great save that stopped the Falcon's from scoring. Martina and Jonathan had some fancy footwork happening this game. Everywhere the ball was so was Scotty. Not long before half time Daniel scored a goal with the help of Cameron and Scott. The second half saw goals going in everywhere for the Pearls. This half had hardly started when Jarrod send the ball flying into the back of the net. Izaac stopped the Falcon's having a run but they managed to skip past again only to be disappointed by Lachlan doing a great job in goal. There was another 3 goals scored by the Pearls by Izaac, Jarrod and Daniel. Well done team. It was a great win. Player of the Match was Lachlan Smith and Achievement Awards to Daniel Stefanovski and Izaac Lawrence.

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