Saturday 19th May 2007

7 Diamonds ( 1 )   Sports Strikers ( 0 )

Unfortunately I didn't get to see this weeks match due to a clash of game times, but I'm happy that I still got to write the match report, and even happier that you all had a great game. This week's match was very close with Strikers very strong in defence. It was nil all at half time, despite our good ball possession. It's good that everyone is spreading out and using the entire field. Connor and Kyle are following the ball and playing with more confidence. Jackson was a real workhorse with some good runs on goal. Alex attacked well, and also had a good opportunity at goal. Josh even tried for a header. In the end, it was Zander who finally got through Striker's defence and put the ball away. Everyone played really well, both in attack and defence. Isaac played goalie in the first half and tackled well throughout the game. Xavier assisted well in both defense and attack. Panania monopolised ball possession and kept the pressure on. In the end it was a good match with Zander taking out man of the match and the rest of the team making it very hard to pick it.

Douglas Walther, Coach

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