Saturday 28th July 2007

6 Pearls ( 3 )   Revesby Workers ( 4 )

What a nail biter!!! The Pearlaroos had only their 2nd loss of the season and only by one goal!! The Pearls fired shot after shot at the Workers only to miss by a whisker. Our 2 goal keepers Cameron & Jackson did some fantastic saves, they had 100's of balls kicked at them but they were stopped by our brick wall defence keepers. Ethan shot our first goal in with a great slide-kick down the centre and played a great attacking game to the end. Isabelle, Georgia & Paul all did some big kicks to help keep the ball up our end of the field, and with Dane, Billy & Erin up front the Pearlaroos were looking hot! Matthew made some great break-aways charging up the field almost scoring! Our next 2 goals were by Cameron & Daniel bringing it to 3-3. As the parents yelled louder, the kids ran faster & kicked the ball harder, unfortunately the workers scored again with about 3 minutes on the clock. Anyway Pearlaroos you all had a great game of soccer. This weeks Player of the Match went to Erin for her wonderful ball skills and our great effort award went to Jackson for his big saves in-goals 2nd half. Keep smiling Pearlaroos & see you again next week,


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